We are so happy that you want to publish your arrangements on We Are Voice! Through your arrangement recordings and compositions we are building the world´s largest digital music library together. Today, the service has thousands of different arrangements produced with audio files and sheet music graphics. In our upload tool you can upload audio files, sheet music and video.
The following information and file formats are required to publish:
Audio files - all audio tracks in WAV format (44kHz alt. 48kHz)
All harmonies delivered separately e.g. Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
Seperate background track if desired
Master track with all harmonies and background track together
Notation files - XML format as well as a PDF file
Rights information - ICE and ISWC number that can be retrieved from for example stim.se
Metadata - information about the arrangement such as genre, setting etc
Video file - .mov alt .mp4 (optional)
Feel free to contact us at kontakt@wearevoice.se to get started!